Simple Solution Stain and Odor Remover Spray contains the double power of Pro-Bacteria and Enzymes that work together to organically remove pet urine, feces and vomit stains and odors. Enzymes break up the urine and fecal material in between the carpet fibers into small particles. The bacteria cultures, found only in Simple Solution, biologically decompose what the enzymes break up. This turns the remaining residue into carbon dioxide and water, which are odorless. The bacteria produce even more enzymes until the odorous residue is completely digested. This is a great way to permanently remove stains and odors from carpets, upholstery, clothing, tiles and more. Made in USA.
Eliminates dog and cat urine, feces, and vomit stains and odors
Quickly neutralizes odor instead of covering them up
Helps prevent repeat markings
Safe for use on carpets, upholstery, bedding, clothing and most water-safe surfaces
Safe for use around pets and children
3-in-1 sprayer: stream, foam, and mist